1. How is the number of electoral votes a state gets determined?
The number of electoral votes a state gets is determined by that state’s total number of senators and representatives in the U.S. Congress. The article explains, “Each state has two senators. The number of representatives is based on population.”
R.3 Explain Ideas
2. What does the article describe as the “magic number”? Why is this number important?
The article describes 270 as the “magic number.” This number is important because it is the number of electoral votes a candidate needs to get in order to be elected president. It represents a majority, or more than half, of the 538 total electoral votes.
R.2 Key Details
3. What is the purpose of the map that appears on page 5?
The purpose of the map on page 5 is to give more information about the 2024 presidential race. The map shows the number of electoral votes each state gets. It also shows states where Donald Trump is expected to win, states where Kamala Harris is expected to win, and states where the vote could go either way.
R.7 Text Features