Lesson Plan - Chocolate Crisis?

Learning Objective

Students will learn how a cocoa shortage may affect consumers.

Content-Area Connections

Social Studies, Economics

Standards Correlations

CCSS: R.1, R.2, R.3, R.4, R.5, R.7, R.8, R.10

NCSS: Production, Distribution, and Consumption 

TEKS: Social Studies 5.11, 6.8

Text Structure

Cause and Effect

1. Preparing to Read

Watch the Video
Build background knowledge by playing the video “The Sweet Story of Chocolate.” Discuss: What are the key steps in making chocolate? What are some challenges cocoa farmers might face?

Preview Words to Know
Project the online vocabulary slideshow and introduce the Words to Know.

  • susceptible
  • dire

Set a Purpose for Reading
As students read, have them identify factors that are causing the price of chocolate to go up.

2. Close-Reading Questions

1. Based on the article, how does extreme weather hurt cocoa crops?
Extreme weather hurts cocoa crops because too much rain can flood farms and cause cacao pods to rot. Too little rain can stress cacao trees and destroy harvests. The article also explains that “severe weather also makes the trees more susceptible to diseases.”
R.5 Cause and Effect

2. How do the authors support the idea that the cocoa shortage is affecting candy prices?
The authors support the idea that the cocoa shortage is affecting candy prices by noting that the price of cocoa has more than doubled since the start of 2024 and that candy makers are passing some of that extra cost on to consumers. The article states, “Experts predict that chocolate prices in U.S. stores could increase by 10 percent or more this year.” The authors also include a sidebar showing how low supply and high demand can cause prices to rise. 
R.8 Reasons and Evidence

3. Aside from raising prices, what are some other ways candy makers are dealing with the cocoa shortage?
Besides increasing prices, candy makers are dealing with the cocoa shortage by making candy packages smaller and by creating treats that contain less cocoa.
R.2 Key Details

3. Skill Building

Featured Skill: Critical Thinking/Integrating Information
Use the skill builder “Price Predictions” to have students apply what they have learned about supply and demand. Have students work in small groups to analyze the three supply-and-demand scenarios.
R.9 Integrate Information
