Illustration of two people texting each other wondering if that means they're hanging out

Debate photos courtesy of families; (all other images)

Is Technology Hurting Your Friendships?

Between smartphones, computers, tablets, and gaming devices, there are plenty of ways for us to connect with each other online. According to experts, all this technology is affecting kids’ friendships. 

Many people point out that sharing videos or playing games online lets kids have fun together even when they’re not in the same place. And 8 in 10 teens say using social media makes them feel more connected to what’s happening in their friends’ lives. That’s according to a 2022 survey from the Pew Research Center. 

But other people argue that hanging out with friends online isn’t as meaningful as being with them in real life. They say sending quick texts isn’t the same as having face-to-face conversations. Plus, relying on devices to communicate can make kids less comfortable interacting with others in person. Even when kids are together, staring at their phones can interrupt quality time. In a different survey by Pew Research Center, in 2023, more than 40 percent of teens said smartphones make it harder to learn good social skills. 

Here’s what two of our readers think.

Connecting with friends online isn’t like connecting in person. It’s tricky to tell how someone is feeling in a text or online chat. You can’t see their facial expressions or hear the tone in their voice. You might think they’re happy, when you’ve actually hurt their feelings. 

Also, we leave a digital footprint when we post online. If you post something mean, someone could screenshot it before you delete it. If they send it to others, that could hurt your friendships.

Technology is a great tool for keeping in touch with friends and family. I’ve lived in four states and even in Germany. I can see, chat, and play video games with my friends from all those places online! I’m grateful to be able to stay connected to them so easily.

Even if you don’t live far from each other, it’s easy and efficient to message your friends. I check in with my friends using texts to make plans to do things in person.

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