Illustration of two siblings hanging out by the pool in their backyard with their pets

Illustration by Mike Deas; Debate photos courtesy of families

Should Schools Give Summer Homework?

As the school year winds down, many kids are looking forward to taking family trips or hanging out with friends. But the students at Manlius Pebble Hill School in Syracuse, New York, will have to take time away from their summer fun to do homework. 

Some educators say summer homework helps keep kids’ minds sharp so they don’t forget what they learned. That can also help teachers because they won’t have to use valuable time in the new school year to reteach lessons from the prior one. 

“Students need a break from school, but three months removed from any activity can make reentry difficult,” says Matt Spear. He’s an administrator at Manlius Pebble Hill School.

But others argue that kids shouldn’t have to complete assignments over the summer. Many families travel, and it can be hard for kids to do homework while they’re away. Plus, there are still ways to learn while school is out. For example, kids can visit museums and historical sites.

Here’s what two of our readers think.

Doing homework over the summer helps kids continue to learn between school years. It can also help students feel more confident as they enter the next grade. They’ll be prepared and have the skills they need to understand assignments. 

Summer homework could be a better solution than summer school too. I went to summer school after first grade and thought it went too fast. I would have learned more if the assignments had been spread out over the entire summer.

Over summer break, kids deserve time to just have fun with their families and friends. It is important for us to have downtime and relax so we’re refreshed when the new school year starts.

There are so many things I get to do over the summer because I don’t have to worry about homework. I go to camp, which gives me the chance to make new friends. I also go on trips with my family. If I had to find time to squeeze in homework, my summer would be stressful.

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