Lesson Plan - Think Big!

Learning Objective

Students will learn how four creative kid inventors designed devices to help solve problems.

Text Structure


Content-Area Connections

Science and Technology

Standards Correlations

CCSS: R.1, R.2, R.3, R.4, R.5, R.6, R.7, R.8, R.9, R.10, L.4, SL.1, W.2

NGSS: Engineering Design 

TEKS: Science 5.3, 6.3

1. Preparing to Read

Activate Prior Knowledge
Have students name inventions they use every day and imagine why the inventors created them. Point out that inventions are often created as solutions to problems.

Preview Words to Know
Project the online vocabulary slideshow and introduce the Words to Know. 

  • prototype
  • innovative

Set a Purpose for Reading
As students read, have them identify the problem each invention was created to solve.

2. Close-Reading Questions

1. Why did Leanne Fan use headphones for her invention?
Leanne used headphones for her invention because she wanted to make it easier for kids to get treated for ear infections. With headphones, kids can watch TV or listen to music while being treated.
R.2 Key Details

2. Why do you think Madison Checketts calls her invention the Eco-Hero?
Eco refers to ecology, or the environment. Readers can infer that Madison calls her invention the Eco-Hero because she sees it as a way to reduce pollution and help the environment.
R.1 Inference

3. Choose an invention from the article and describe a challenge the creator(s) overcame during the design process.
Sample response: When Liam Pope-Lau and Fraser Tuck tested the LifeHeat vests, the boys got too hot. They continued working on the invention to fix the problem.
R.5 Problem/Solution

3. Skill Building

FEATURED SKILL: Informative Writing
Use the Skill Builder “Design an Invention” to have students plan an invention. 
W.2 Informative Writing
