Lesson Plan - A Race Against Time

Learning Objective

Students will learn how rescue teams responded after a recent devastating  earthquake. 

Text Structure

Description, Sequence

Content-Area Connections

Earth Science

Standards Correlations

CCSS: R.1, R.2, R.3, R.4, R.5, R.7, R.8, R.9, R.10, L.4, SL.1

NGSS: Earth’s Systems  

TEKS: Science 5.7, 6.10

1. Preparing to Read

Activate Prior Knowledge
Discuss what students know about the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. 

Preview Words to Know
Project the online vocabulary slideshow and introduce the Words to Know. 

  • magnitude
  • aftershocks

Set a Purpose for Reading
As students read, have them think about how groups have helped people in Turkey and Syria since the earthquake.

2. Close-Reading Questions

1. How have groups like USAID helped in the aftermath of the earthquake?
These groups have brought equipment, dug through ruins looking for survivors, provided shelter for survivors, and distributed supplies like food and medicine.
R.2 Key Details

2. Why do you think the article says that rescue teams “raced against the clock”?
You can infer that rescue teams raced against the clock because people trapped in the rubble could survive only for a limited amount of time.
R.5 Inference

3. What are two facts you can learn from the sidebar, “Inside an Earthquake”?
Sample response: One fact you can learn is that sudden movements where Earth’s tectonic plates meet can cause earthquakes. Another fact is that invisible waves of energy called seismic waves are released during an earthquake.
R.7 Text Features

3. Skill Building

FEATURED SKILL: Reading a Chart
Use the Skill Builder “Measuring Quakes” to explore the scale scientists use to describe earthquake magnitude. 
R.7 Text Features
