Photo of rows of students taking naps in beds during school

Students in Handan, China, nap in foldable chairs under raised desks.

Debate photos courtesy of families; HAO QY/Feature China/Future Publishing via Getty Images (classroom)

Should You Have Nap Time at School?

If you can’t stop yawning or feel your eyelids get heavier during class, you’re not alone. About one-third of all kids in the U.S. don’t get enough sleep, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

This isn’t a problem only in the U.S. Kids in other countries don’t get enough rest either. In 2021, education officials in China came up with an unusual solution. Elementary schools across the country are now required to have a scheduled nap time for students each day. 

A 2019 study found that naps were helpful to students in China. Kids in grades 4 through 6 who took a midday nap at least three times a week were happier and did better in school. 

But many people say school isn’t the right place to catch up on sleep. One solution would be for kids to improve their sleeping habits at night. A good routine includes turning off screens at least an hour before bedtime and going to sleep at the same time each night. 

Here’s what two of our readers think.

Health experts recommend that kids our age get 9 to 12 hours of sleep every day. But that’s not always possible. When I have basketball practice at night, I tend to stay up later. So the next morning, I still feel sleepy. Taking a nap during the school day would really help me get reenergized. 

Naps would also help improve kids’ moods. Taking a nap when you’re mad or sad will make you feel refreshed and calm. There would be less conflict in the classroom, and everyone would be more focused on learning.

It’s important for kids to get enough sleep, but napping in school isn’t the answer. Waking up from naps can make you feel grumpy and groggy. This would make it difficult to concentrate in class. It’s better to get a good night’s sleep instead.

Taking naps during the day would disrupt the learning process. School days are already packed, so we’d have less time for other classes—or we’d need to be in school longer. Also, taking scheduled naps won’t prepare us for the future. When we’re older, we won’t be able to nap at work.

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