A young girl watches television at night. She then sleeps in her textbook during the day.

Shutterstock.com (background); Terry Vine/Getty Images (girl in dark); Elena M. Tarasova/Shutterstock.com (girl sleeping); debate photos courtesy of families

Should Bedtime Be Later?

For millions of kids, the whole idea of going to school is a lot different than it used to be. Their “classrooms” are now their bedrooms, living rooms, or kitchens. That’s because many schools across the U.S. have switched to distance learning to try to prevent the spread of Covid-19. With new routines in place, many students now have later bedtimes. 

Some health experts say it’s OK to go to bed a bit later, as long as you make up the time by sleeping later in the morning. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that fifth- and sixth-graders get from 9 to 12 hours of sleep each night. Some experts add that kids should return to their usual bedtime a few days before they go back to their regular in-school routine. 

But other people argue that kids should stick to the same sleep routine even if their school routine changes. They say it helps keep students’ days more structured. Also, experts have found that elementary school students who stay up later than 9 p.m. tend not to get enough rest. That can make kids moody and less focused.

Here’s what two of our readers think.

Kids should be able to go to bed later if they’re doing distance learning. After all, they don’t have to wake up as early as they used to because they don’t need extra time to get dressed or get a ride or walk to school.

Going to bed later also gives us more time to do the things we love to do. These past six months have been really stressful. Having an extra hour or so each night to watch TV with my family or play video games helps me relax.

Going to bed later makes getting up in the morning more difficult. Even if you’re going to class in your living room, you still need to wake up pretty early. I try to keep a steady sleep schedule so I am well rested and ready for the day. When I go to sleep later, I wake up feeling grouchy and tired and I can’t concentrate.

Plus, some health experts say not getting enough sleep can make it harder for your body to fight off illnesses.

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