Life On White/Getty Images

Today, we post memes of our favorite felines with funny text to show our love for them. Recently, archaeologists found a much older tribute to a cat: a 2,000-year-old Nazca Line. It’s one of hundreds of huge drawings of plants and animals in the Nazca Desert in Peru. The ancient Nazca people scraped these line drawings, called geoglyphs, into the top layer of the reddish-brown soil. The animal images include a monkey, a hummingbird, and spiders. Some of the drawings are so massive, they can only be fully seen when flying overhead. 

This 120-foot-long cat geoglyph was a lucky discovery. While remodeling a lookout point for visitors, archaeologists spotted its outline on the hillside. The cat is the oldest of the Nazca geoglyphs found so far.